Thanksgiving ...Alone
Well not technically alone because my immediate family still had dinner together, but no GiGi( my Grandma went to ATL to visit my oldest cousin) or Doc W. Unfortunately hubs is on his internal medicine rotation and had to work thanksgiving day.... Seeing as though he's not a hop skip and a jump a way we didn't get to see one another! Bummer, yea I know... Not sure how you doc wives get use to that but I guess I will figure it out over time...
Thanksgiving was still phenomenal as always! Just thankful for another opportunity to come together with family and share Gods goodness in our lives each and everyday... God has certainly blessed me in the last couple of months! There's so much to always be greatful for...
I pray you all have enjoyed your thanksgiving and time off with family!
In other news our anniversary is tomorrow... And Doc W sent me flowers to work... (Yes I had to go in for about 4 hours..smh) but they were a complete surprise... Totally brightened up my day and office space!

Ohhhhh how I'm counting down to Cyber Monday, not really a fan of the Black Friday crowds.
Happy Holidays folks!