As of late I haven't been posting-- life has been extremely busy! I'm 11 Days away from my October LSAT. Me & Doc W did have study date last Wednesday ---

He was preparing for his end of Rotation test- & me the LSAT..
He was finish with Surgery a week early so he came to spend time with me! So relaxing and exciting. && I'm glad we made it through that Rotation. Pediatrics started today. Let's see what that brings other than germs. Lol
I attempted to take a practice test today & could not focus after 1section. Blah! I'm sooo over studying at this point!
This past weekend was amazing! I accompanied Doc W to his youngest sisters wedding in MD/DC, where in his fathers absence- (who passed away when Doc W was 11 of heart disease-)he walked her down the aisle.

So sweet!! The ceremony was at the Beautiful Tudor Park with a casual backyard reception @ her new in-laws estate. They truly made the day "Theirs" from the matching shoes, to the custom music selection. It was beautiful to witness! Congrats Maya & Prince..

&& of course EVeRYoNE is expecting us to be "Next" :) --stay tuned.

I have to study, practice test, study, practice test. For the next few days. But I will try to post on how things go! ;-)
Countdown to me getting my life back.