So Long August ✌
Before the new month I have to post. I've been so busy these past few days! Football, studying, working out, the training Doc...The usuals.
Haven't spent much time talking to Doc. W this week but from our late night catchups, he thoroughly enjoyed his first week of his surgery rotation. From the poop (Colon Cleanings) to his first c-section, it's been a wonderful learning experience. Much to look forward to. I spend my spare time (when I'm not studying or being super mom) reading medical spouse blogs and I've heard mixed reviews pertaining to being married to a surgeon. Not certain of what lays ahead but I'm sure if he does pursue this specialty as long as we continue to keep God at the center we will be fine.
Yesterday was meet & greet for the students & their new teachers. Kid K has 3 different teachers this year! He's growing up. In fourth grade they switch classes 0_o. His teachers seem pretty well experienced! Hopefully this school year will be another grand experience. I look forward to watching him progress and prepare to be the (senior) of elementary school ☺
They also had opening ceremony for his football season, actually on the way to his first game!! So exciting.. Last year they made it to the championship in North Carolina & came back with the Trophy! Go Tigers.
It's Labor Day weekend! Last minute back to school shopping & cookouts! Enjoy.

Kid K is #5 my nephew is #88

Goooooooo Tigersssss!!! 🏈