Well the numbers are in! Like so many of you [those who've taken the LSAT & those who plan to take it one day] I waited in anticipation for the past 23 days for my LSAT Score to come in ... & today was that day of Truth!
As I sat at my desk at work... I heard the email sound go off on my phone... & for some reason I just "knew" what it was!
I actually opened it by accident. (I wasn't ready) lol .. Once it was open there was no looking back... So I peeked at the score, yes peeked one eye open as I scrolled down to where it said "Your October 2013 LSAT score is" & I couldn't contain myself!
The exact score I wrote down at the beginning of my study process is what what I received!!!! 'Write the vision & make it plain' Habakuk 2:2
Just like I thought. Section 2 was a wammy... By far the weirdest of questions & structure! I felt so uncertain about that section and as I guessed, it was the practice section! :)
To my suprise I actually scored the most points in my challenge area [Logic Games]! Whooo hooooo! That was the first section and I thought at the time man these games can't be this easy but I Guess that Logic Games Bible (book) came in Handy!
The weight has been lifted and now I can move forward with the application process! I'm so excited... The journey has really just begun!