New Blog Name - Changing Your Brand.
Hey everyone- its been a while since my last post & a ton of things have changed in my life. (Life update post coming next. YAY!!!!)
I decided to revamp my blog & give it a facelift {New Name-Logo & Layout} since law school has finally come to an end (My last law school final is in 3 days eeeeekkkkk {feels so unreal})
Although the "Journey to JD" is almost over, I will still continue to post about my experience as a wife, mother, and law student and how I balance[d] it all.
As I write this I'm in my home office that I recently redecorated and I AM SO IN LOVE.
I've always heard people say that "an inspirational workspace was key to success" and unfortunately it took my 3 years to finally take that advice (usually the dining room table was my favorite place to study despite having a designated office space) now, I come in the office to"work" even when I do not have any haha.
This redecorated office space will get great use as I plan to actually blog -regularly, and studying for the Bar Exam will take place soon.
I posted a few "Insta-Stories" and some people asked to see more of the office so here are some pics :)
Husbands Degree wall
vs. MINE - 2nd Degree
Kinda went Kate Spade crazy - her office stuff is so cute & the little sayings are adorable!
Box Quotes- "Put a lid on it, keep it together, Stow Away"
The calendar has a cute quote for each month- "Stretch your wings" for May
File Tray - "Things to Do"
Desk Organizer - "Bits & Bobs"
Pen Holder- "A Stroke of Genius"
I decided to revive my blog because I get tons of DM's on Instagram and messages on Facebook with questions related to Law School, Christianity, Teen Pregnancy, Motherhood, Infertility (none of which I'm an expert on, just speaking from experience) so I figured my blog will be a great way to answer those questions moving forward.
As this chapter of my life ends and another one begins I'm looking forward to you being on the journey with me.
Stay Tuned.
Ps. I promise it will not be as long as last time before I post again! I finally have the time and have so much to share!